17 February 2022

Making mistakes is an important part of the learning process at King’s Bangkok

Making mistakes is an important part of the learning process at King’s Bangkok

Making mistakes is an important part of the learning process at King’s Bangkok

Children learn best when they are encouraged to question, problem solve, take risks, make mistakes, evaluate, try again nd persevere until they have achieved what they set out to. Mistakes are an essential part of the learning process. Why do teachers and children so often feel mistakes are bad even if children have tried their hardest? What do children learn from a perfect piece of work? Even if a mistake is careless, we can still learn from it. 

Interestingly, Finland has initiated the International Day of failure, which is starting to be celebrated around the world. The organisers of the Day for Failure argue that making mistakes is a normal and healthy part of life which goes towards success, rather than detracting from it. 

"Why is this best for our children?" and "How can we make it better for the students?" are questions we ask ourselves every day. Teachers also need to be continually learning, stretching themselves and going through the same cycle as children if teaching and learning is to continually improve. At King's Bangkok, not only is it important to stretch the student's brains, but it is also essential to keep the teachers on their toes, encourage dialogue and challenge. 

The buzz and excitement of learning is evident around king's Bangkok whether it is in a classroom or teacher room where teachers are discussing children's learning and how to make it better.