14 January 2020

The inaugural dinner

The inaugural dinner

Inaugural dinner for the Founding Families Trip: Truly Experience the Heart of King's Wimbledon

Start the year with a smile!

This year will be a significant milestone for us as we continue to grow the King's College International School Bangkok community and prepare for our opening in August. We welcome all the families who have placed their faith in us and entrusted King’s Bangkok with the future education of their children.

For us, 2020 began with the smiling faces and laughter of ten families at the inaugural dinner for the "Founding Families Trip: Truly Experience the Heart of King's Wimbledon". These families will soon travel to the UK, accompanied by Founding Head Thomas Banyard, where they will have the unique opportunity to meet Head Master Andrew Halls, OBE, as well as teachers, students and alumni of King's College School, Wimbledon. They will also experience firsthand the special history of King's Wimbledon and what makes it so successful, followed by visits to the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, two of the best in the world.

Throughout this trip, we hope the founding families can feel the warm and strong relationship between King's Bangkok and King's Wimbledon. We will continue to work closely together to provide a world-class education in Thailand so that our children can grow up to make many positive contributions to their society.

#KingsBangkok #AGreatHeartTakesYouFurther #FoundingFamiliesTrip