Marking our first year of exam results, King's Bangkok community has witnessed outstanding academic performance for our Year 11 students in the academic year 2022/2023. Every individual result has a story and behind these results are many stories of students and teachers who worked tirelessly and persistently to achieve these aspirational IGCSE results. We know that students can do more than they dare to believe. These outstanding results include but are not limited to the followings:
- Combined Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Computer Science: 89% of A*-A / 9-7
- Combined Modern Foreign Languages and Literature in English: 84% of A*-A / 9-7
- 100% A*-A in Biology, Physics, Mandarin and Spanish
We would like to thank all senior school teachers / specialists who have given their highest attention and utmost efforts to enable our students to achieve highly satisfied results. We look forward to seeing and embracing the next chapter of these students, AS and A-levels, and the future cohorts for IGCSE in this academic year 2023/2024.