King’s Bangkok enriches the world of learning through reading.
A book is a window to the world, and through reading, we can discover more about the world around us. Reading is one of the important ways of learning, so that is why King’s Bangkok has always had reading as one of its priorities.
We have integrated one weekly library class into the timetable for all students from Reception to Year 6. Also, our Assistant Teachers (ATs) read with students at least twice a week so that all students can gain an appreciation for reading and are able to experience new and exciting ideas by themselves.
As a result of our push for reading, we were very pleased to learn that in the last term, about 300 of our students borrowed 6,170 books, which means that an average of 20 books were loaned out per person per term, representing an average of 64 books being borrowed a day.
We are determined to keep the momentum even though our students are now learning from home.
Discover how a great heart can begin at King's Bangkok at the Meet the Heads 'The Beginning of a Great Heart' on February 6th 2021.
#KingsBangkok #AGreatHeartTakesYouFurther #WelcometotheFamily #AcademicExcellence