8 December 2020

King’s Bangkok nurtures a love of Maths in all students

King’s Bangkok nurtures a love of Maths in all students

King’s Bangkok nurtures a love of Maths in all students

Today, KS1 (Years 1-2) and KS2 (Years 3-6) took part in our first ever Maths Slam. From every class, there were four student representatives, who competed in a written arithmetic test; at the same time, all of our students in the audience would complete ten questions on their whiteboards. Our older students, alongside Mrs. Wells, then marked their answers and revealed the top three in each pool. Those students were then sent through to the second round where they were asked questions orally by Miss Seton; afterwards, within each year group, we would have a winner. Finally, there was a parents’ and teachers’ round where the adults had their own arithmetic skills tested. We were pleased to see so many students and parents enjoying themselves, because we want Maths to be fun and accessible to all.

King’s Bangkok now welcomes applications for boys and girls aged 2–15 (Pre-nursery to Year 10) for the academic year 2021. Years 11–13 will open in the subsequent academic years.

Please email us with any enquiries at admissions@kingsbangkok.ac.th or Tel 02 481 9955


#KingsBangkok #AGreatHeartTakesYouFurther #WelcometotheFamily #AcademicExcellence #MathsSlam