6 March 2020

The Wimbledon and Bangkok Collaboration - More Than Just a Name

The Wimbledon and Bangkok Collaboration - More Than Just a Name

The Wimbledon and Bangkok Collaboration - More Than Just a Name

“We want this to be more than just the name over the door. We want it to be the heart of King’s [Wimbledon] beating within its walls.”
—Andrew Halls OBE

King’s College School, Wimbledon is one of the world’s most academically successful schools and we have a unique partnership which means we work together to recreate the high standards at King’s College International School Bangkok.

We aim to provide the highest standards in academic excellence, our co-curricular programme and pastoral care, which are the three pillars we have replicated from King’s Wimbledon to King’s Bangkok. To ensure this, we have worked together to develop all the systems, policies, facilities and equipment required; most importantly, both school have worked closely to recruit talented teachers who share the same values and possess the same inspiration to the develop the best students. Senior leaders from King’s College School, Wimbledon have interviewed every one of our class teachers to ensure they are the best possible staff to help our students.

Alongside this, we are proud to announce that James McAuslan and Simon Connolly will be joining us directly from King’s Wimbledon to help us recreate “The King’s Way” here in Bangkok. They will both teach in the Key Stage 2 age group (years 3 to 6), where we have already opened an extra class due to the additional interest we have received. We continue to welcome applications for pre-nursery to year 6, so please visit our admissions office if you are interested in joining us as a founding family.

#KingsBangkok #AGreatHeartTakesYouFurther