Teacher recruitment update
To prepare for the upcoming school opening in August, we are more than happy to inform you that our extensive recruitment and commitment to having the best possible group of founding teachers has well exceeded our highest expectations.
With the curriculum aligned to King’s College School Wimbledon’s curriculum, we needed many specialist teachers to be able to deliver high levels of PE, Swimming, Music, Drama, computing, Art, DT, Thai, and Mandarin as well as having support teachers for Learning Enrichment and for those students with English as an Additional Language (EAL). In all, we looked to recruit 38 teachers for classroom or specialist teachers as well as 20 assistant teachers and 13 nannies.
We received nearly 1,500 applications from teachers around the world and continue to receive daily interest in working at our school. We have filled all but a remaining handful of positions. We are delighted with the quality of the teachers we have, including two teachers coming directly from King's Wimbledon (along with the Founding Head who taught at King's for 5 years and helped set up one of the first overseas schools in China, Hangzhou), as well as many from other highly respectable schools.